Referral Form - Accepting Referrals from across British Columbia

To have a consultation in BC a patient needs to be referred to one of our specialists by a Family Doctor or other physicians involved in their care. Your doctor can initiate this process by utilizing the attached referral form. We welcome referrals from across BC utilizing virtual health and we conduct in-person consults out of our Vancouver office. We also have physicians able to do Home Visits within Vancouver. 

If you do not have coverage with the Medical Services Plan of British Columbia or are from outside Canada, you may book a private visit by contacting the clinic directly via phone or the ‘Contact Us’ email form.

For law firms requesting a medicolegal assessment regarding capability for a Power of Attorney, Will, or health decision making please contact our office for more information. Our medicolegal referral form is included below. Note, we follow the Doctors of BC fee guide for uninsured services.