Osteoporosis Clinic

A comprehensive clinic run as a collaboration between Osteoporosis experts from General Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Rheumatology.
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones resulting in an increased risk of fractures. Falls and fractures are a leading cause of hospitalization and mortality in North America. Osteoporosis is defined in two ways. The first is a history of a fracture after a fall from standing height, also known as a fragility fracture. The second is a severely low bone density measured by a Bone Mineral Density test.
What causes osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis increases in incidence with age, lifestyle risk factors and medical conditions. Common risk factors include: age, hormonal changes including menopause for woman and low testosterone states in men, low body mass, family history of fragility fracture, smoking, alcohol, steroids, medications affecting hormones including certain anti-seizure medications and cancer medications and a history of sedentary lifestyle.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of Osteoporosis can be very apparent such as new pain from a fracture. There can also be more gradual changes that go unnoticed such as a change in posture or gait.
How is osteoporosis diagnosed?
It is recommended that all adults over the age of 65 years have a screening Bone Mineral Density test done every 3 years in BC. Based upon the results of this scan Osteoporosis can be diagnosed. For those under the age of 65 years a physician will complete a focused history and physical exam to determine whether further work up is necessary. The second definition of Osteoporosis is a history of a fragility fracture.
How is it treated?
Treatment for Osteoporosis is focused on lifestyle changes, supplements and if appropriate prescription medications. Our specialist physician will review your case to make individualized recommendations for you and monitor your progress through time.